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622 Positive Words That Begin With The Letter “R”

Positive Words That Start With R

Respect, Ravishing, Radiant

“R” is a powerful letter. There are many heavyweight words that begin with the letter “R”, and we are going to take a look at some of those in this article. Divided into categories, you may choose a particular category, or read the entire article.

In this article, I include a section on “R” words for children. These are words that you can go through with your kids and talk about how the words make your kids feel, and how they use those words in their life.

As someone who really enjoys words, and has a fascination with language, I am looking forward to sharing with you some ideas around letter “R” words.

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While I like words just for themselves, the real power of a word is in its meaning, and also the meaning that society gives to that word.

Let’s jump into the letter “R”! Please come along!

Positive Words To Describe A Person That Begin With R

I am very lucky to have some great people in my life. Some of these people are folks that I work with and I could describe them as resourceful, and responsible. It is wonderful to go into work each day knowing I am able to work with individuals I can count on and who inspire me.


Other people who have played a major role in my life are family members. I want to talk a bit about one person in particular, my grandmother. She is a truly “remarkable” person.

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Grandma has always been warm, caring and forgiving. Like most grandmothers, she loves her grandchildren dearly and is eager to see only the good in them.

Grandma was born in the ‘20s, and was a young girl during the Great Depression.

The values of “waste not, want not”, “a penny saved is a penny earned”, and “never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” were cornerstones of Grandma’s way of living, and values I learned from her from the time I was little.

My grandma has seen a lot of major changes in the world over the course of her 96 years. During the second world war, Grandma worked in an airplane factory, and when the war ended, she and her sister moved to a large city where they trained to be hair stylists, or hair dressers as they were called then.

Grandma married, and had six children. She and Grandpa lived on a dairy farm. They didn’t have much, but there was always food on the table, and clothes on her children. Clothes that she sewed herself.

Simple tasks like laundry and housework were harder then as women had to use wringer washers and everything had to be hung on a clothesline to dry, then ironed.

Grandma isn’t a complainer, and she gets enjoyment from the simple things in life. She knows how to use a computer, and enjoys looking at photos on Facebook that her family posts. Most of all she values relationships, and doesn’t take the people in her life for granted.

I have learned much from my grandma. She is a remarkable person.

Take a look at the many R words in the following list and see how they can help you to describe the special people in your life.

1. "Racist"

2. "Ravishing"

3. "Rare"

4. "Reassuring"

5. "Ready"

6. "Rakish"

7. "Reasonable"

8. "Raucous"

9. "Rascally"

10. "Rebel"

11. "Rambunctious"

12. "Rebellious"

13. "Real"

14. "Rational"

15. "Regular"

16. "Relaxed"

17. "Reckless"

18. "Reliable"

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19. "Regal"

20. "Relevant"

21. "Relatable"

22. "Receptive"

23. "Relentless"

24. "Red-blooded"

25. "Reigning"

26. "Remorseless"

27. "Recognizable"

28. "Repulsive"

29. "Remorseful"

30. "Republican"

31. "Religious"

32. "Reputable"

33. "Representative"

34. "Remarkable"

35. "Reserved"

36. "Ruthless"


38. "Resentful"

39. "Russian"

40. "Resilient"

41. "Right-handed"

42. "Resident"






48. "Romantic"

49. "Richest"

50. "Rude"

51. "Ridiculous"

52. "Rigid"

53. "Rough"

54. "Right"

55. "Resourceful"

56. "Rich"

57. "Rested"

58. "Revengeful"

59. "Respectable"

60. "Responsive"

61. "Retired"

62. "Responsible"

63. "Restless"

64. "Respectful"

Positive Adjectives That Start With R

The English language is known for its ability to be precise in how it can describe things. What is mostly responsible for that is adjectives. We use adjectives to describe things. Color words, for example, are adjectives.

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There are sooo many great “R” adjectives that it’s hard to select just one, but I want to talk a bit about the word “reliable”.

We can think about reliable things like a reliable car, reliable healthy eating plan, and reliable information, but what does it mean to be a reliable person?

Do you have a friend you would call reliable? What does that mean to you? The first thing I think of is that this person is someone you can count on.

I am fortunate to have such a friend. She also happens to be my sister. I have been through some challenging times, like when my marriage fell apart, and my sister was there for me.

I could lean on her for comfort and to find the strength to deal with all the tough stuff. She listened as I talked and talked, and she cried with me when I cried. She gave me good advice as well.

I like to think that I am a reliable person too. Being reliable doesn’t mean you have to make a big gesture or spend lots of money on those you care about. It just means you have to be there for them.

65. "Reachable"

66. "Rapid"

67. "Racy"

68. "Razor-sharp"

69. "Resplendent"

70. "Radiant"

71. "Rapturous"

72. "Rad"

73. "Revered"

74. "Retentive"

75. "Rewardable"

76. "Rhapsodic"

77. "Restful"

78. "Revolutionary"

79. "Reverent"

80. "Rewarding"

81. "Restorative"

82. "Revitalizing"

83. "Revealing"

84. "Recherche"

85. "Risible"

86. "Recipient"

87. "Recognized"

88. "Reciprocal"

89. "Realizable"

90. "Rightful"

91. "Realistic"

92. "Red-carpet"

93. "Refreshing"

94. "Recommendable"

95. "Reflective"

96. "Recuperative"

97. "Refulgent"

98. "Refined"

99. "Radical"

100. "Rainbow-colored"

101. "Reassured"

102. "Raving"

103. "Refundable"

104. "Redeemable"

105. "Relaxing"

106. "Redolent"

107. "Renewable"

108. "Reputed"

109. "Rescued"

110. "Relieved"

111. "Remedial"

112. "Repairable"

113. "Revamped"

114. "Restored"

115. "Resounding"

116. "Reverential"

117. "Respective"

118. "Ripe"

119. "Remissive"

120. "Resolved"

121. "Renowned"

122. "Regnant"

123. "Rippling"

124. "Rhetorical"

125. "Ritzy"

126. "Riveting"

127. "Robust"

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128. "Rigorous"

129. "Roaring"

130. "Rosy"

131. "Rustic"

132. "Rousing"

133. "Rejuvenescent"

134. "Roomy"

135. "Ruddy"

Positive Action Words That Start With R

“R” is rich in great action words, also known as verbs. Action words reflect just that - action. Let’s talk about a powerful “R” action word which should be part of everyone’s vocabulary, “relax”.

I grew up in a family where working and getting things done was highly valued. You were expected to be industrious, and accomplish a lot each day. Hard work was seen as a good thing, and you could prove your worth by working hard.

I think that view is still with us in our society today, especially in North America. However, I am so happy to see that there is now emphasis placed on striking a balance in your life.

We now know how important it is, in fact, critical, to our overall well-being, to take time to relax.

When we relax we let our bodies and our minds recharge which allows us to be optimally productive when we do work.

Do you build time to relax into your life? Listening to music, doing yoga or meditating are all great ideas. Give yourself time to recharge your batteries. You will reap the benefits!

Check out music as well as the power of crystals for helping you to relax. You’ll find this and more on our site,

136. "Race"

137. "Ramble"

138. "Ravage"

139. "Reach"

140. "Raise"

141. "Rasp"


143. "Raid"

144. "Ravish"

145. "Rationalize"

146. "Rake"

147. "Rap"

148. "Rain"

149. "React"

150. "Rattle"

151. "Rally"

152. "Reappear"

153. "Rebuild"

154. "Read"

155. "Rebuff"

156. "Recall"

157. "Reap"

158. "Recover"

159. "Reboot"

160. "Realign"

161. "Reconcile"

162. "Redden"

163. "Reason"

164. "Record"

165. "Redesign"

166. "Recommend"

167. "Recycle"

168. "Recede"

169. "Relapse"

170. "Rehearse"

171. "Reunite"

172. "Repair"

173. "Reject"

174. "Resemble"

175. "Reduce"

176. "Resent"

177. "Relax"

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178 "Rinse"

179 "Reign"

180. "Restore"

181. "Refer"

182. "Replace"

183. "Roast"

184. "Remove"

185. "Ruin"

Inspirational Words That Begin With The Letter R

An “R” word that I find inspirational is “radiant”. This word reminds me to not only be content with who I am, but to let my light shine.

I am one of six kids, and in a large family it can sometimes be difficult to get noticed. From an early age, I liked to be active, and I enjoyed being in clubs and on various teams. I also enjoyed acting in plays and musicals at my high school.

All of these things allowed me to find abilities within myself, and to let them shine.

I love to see a child completely involved in playing or examining something like a ladybug or a flower. A child’s natural enthusiasm for exploration and discovery radiates from them.

I think we can all learn something from children. We will be better people, happier, and more satisfied if we look within ourselves to find what brings us joy, and express that.

Be radiant!

186. "Respectable Person"

187. "Remarkable Art"

188. "Recreation"

189. "Recuperate"

190. "Radiance"

191. "Raffish"

Strong And Motivational Words That Start With R

There are three words I want to look at that together really speak to the idea of strength and motivation. These three “R” words are resolve, rejuvenate, and restore.

Motivational words are those that give us a push to get to where we want or need to be. The word “resolve” tells us to determine our goal. It might be that you are resolved to become a healthier person through healthy eating and regular exercise.

You “rejuvenate” your habits by removing the bad ones that are not in line with what you have resolved to do, and replacing those with healthy habits.

Finally, you will restore your body and mind to a healthy state.

I am currently focusing on incorporating regular exercise into my life. It’s not always easy, and I do mess up, but I don’t let that completely derail my resolve.

I keep working towards rejuvenation, restoring my healthy self each time I am active.

What positive change do you resolve to make?

192. "Reason For Living"

193. "Reassure"

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194. "Reasoned"

195. "Reborn"

196. "Really Cool"

197. "Receive"

198. "Really"

199. "Reassuringly"

200. "Reasonably"

201. "Reassurance"

202. "Reciprocally"

203. "Reclaim"

204. "Reception"

205. "Recognition"

206. "Receptively"

207. "Rejoicing"

208. "Receiver"

209. "Rejoicingly"

210. "Reciprocate"

211. "Rejuvenating"

212. "Rejuvenate"

213. "Refunded"

214. "Rejuvenated"

215. "Regally"

216. "Recommendations"

217. "Reconciliation"

218. "Recognize"

219. "Rejoice"

220. "Recommendation"

221. "Regard"

222. "Rejuvenation"

223. "Regulator"

224. "Recommended"

225. "Re-Connection"

226. "Rectifying"

227. "Rectification"

228. "Redeem"

229. "Recovery"

230. "Redeeming"

231. "Record-Setting"

232. "Rectify"

233. "Recuperation"

234. "Reform"

235. "Refreshed"

236. "Refine"

237. "Refund"

238. "Redemption"

239. "Reforms"

240. "Refinement"

241. "Reformed"

242. "Refresh"

243. "Reflectively"

244. "Reforming"

245. "Resound"

246. "Respect"

247. "Refreshingly"

248. "Resourcefulness"

249. "Resource"

250. "Resourcefully"

251. "Resoundingly"

252. "Respected"

253. "Rest Easy"

254. "Responsively"

255. "Respite"

256. "Responsibility"

257. "Respectably"

258. "Rest"

259. "Resplendently"

260. "Respectfully"

261. "Responsibly"

262. "Restructuring"

263. "Restoration"

264. "Restoratively"

265. "Retentively"

266. "Reveal"

267. "Restructure"

268. "Result"

269. "Restorative

270. "Restfully"

271. "Restructured"

272. "Retractable"

273. "Reverence"

274 "Revival"

275. "Revere"

276. "Reverently"

277. "Revive"

278. "Revel"

279. "Revitalize"

280. "Revelation"

281. "Rhapsody"

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282. "Richness"

283. "Revolutionizes"

284. "Revives"

285. "Righten"

286. "Revolutionized"

287. "Rhapsodically"

288. "Richly"

Positive words that start with 	r

289. "Right On"

290. "Revived"

291. "Rewardingly"

292. "Reward"

293. "Revolutionize"

294. "Resiliently"

295. "Righteously"

296. "Right-Hand Man"

297. "Rightfully"

298. "Resolve"

299. "Righteousness"

300. "Resolutely"

301. "Risk-Taking"

302. "Rightness"

303. "Robustly"

304. "Risk-Free"

305. "Rightly"

306. "Rise"

307. "Rock Star"

308. "Right-O"

309. "Risibly"

310. "Roger That"

311. "Rollicking"

312 "Roger"

313. "Rollick"

314. "Rock Stars"

315. "Romance"

316. "Roll"

317. "Romanticize"

318. "Rollickingly"

319. "Romantically"

320. "Rooter"

321. "Romeo"

322. "Rooted"

323. "Roomier"

324. "Rosily"

325. "Rosiness"

326. "Rose"

Nouns That Start With R

The world recently went through a scary two-year period of COVID-19 virus. It resulted in enormous mental health issues, and we are still working to recover from this.

A look at positive “R” words would not be complete without looking at “resilience”. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from something negative.

When bad things happen to us either individually, in a personal way, or on a big scale such as with war or a global pandemic, we are called upon to reach inside of ourselves and try to find the strength to go on.

Resilience is something that can be developed. You can increase your ability to respond to a negative situation by practicing staying calm through breathing exercises, listing healthy, productive ways to deal with the negative issue.

You can give yourself reminders to stay calm and productive through meditation, focusing on inspiring quotes, practicing gratitude, and listening to music.

Build your resilience, and feel stronger.

327. "Racer"

328. "Rachialgia"

329. "Rabidity"

330. "Rabinet"

331. "Raash"

332. "Rab"

333. "Raccoon"

334. "Rabbinate"

335. "Rabbi"

336. "Rabbitry"

337 "Rabbinite"

338. "Rabid"

339. "Rach"

340. "Rabbinic"

341. "Racemation"

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342. "Racahout"

343. "Rache"

344. "Rabbinism"

345. "Rabato"

346. "Rabdology"

347. "Rabat"

348. "Rabble"

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349. "Rabbler"

350. "Racemate"

351. "Rabatine"

352. "Reaggravation"

353. "Realization"

354. "Readership"

355. "Readjuster"

356. "Reabsorption"

357. "Realm"

358. "Readjournment"

359. "Reaffirmance"

360. "Readeption"

361. "Readvertency"

362. "Reading"

363. "Realgar"

364. "Reaccess"

365. "Realliance"

366. "Rabbiting"

367. "Rabies"

368. "Rabidness"

369. "Racemule"

370. "Rabbinist"

371. "Rabbate"

372. "Rabdomancy"

373. "Ra"

374. "Rabot"

375. "Rabbet"


377. "Rabblement"

378. "Rabbit"

379. "Rabbin"

380. "Rhabdopleura"

381. "Realism"

382. "Rhatany"

383. "Rhea"

384. "Rhabdite"

385. "Rhamadan"

386. "Rhadamanthus"

387. "Rhabdology"

388. "Rhachilla"

389. "Rheeboc"

390. "Rhapsodist"

391. "Rheochord"

392. "Rheometry"

393. "Rhabarbarine"

394. "Rhabdosphere"

395. "Reagent"

396. "Reaffirmation"

397. "Reality"

398. "Read-Out"

399. "Reaction"

400. "Readmission"

401. "Realty"

402. "Reafforestation"

403. "Realist"

404. "Realizer"

405. "Reactionist"

406. "Reacher"

407. "Reactionary"

408. "Readmittance"

409. "Readjustment"

410. "Reader"

411. "Rhabdom"

412. "Rheophore"

413. "Rhamphorhynchus"

414. "Rhabdomere"

415. "Rhachialgia"

416. "Rhapsode"

417. "Rheomotor"

418. "Rheinberry"

419. "Rhabdolith"

420. "Rheometer"

421. "Rheoscope"

422. "Rhaphe"

423. "Rhabarbarin"

424. "Rhein"

425. "Rhamphotheca"

426. "Rhenish"

427. "Rhabdomancy"

428. "Rhematic"

429. "Ribbon"

430. "Ribauld"

431. "Richweed"

432. "Ribibe"

433. "Ribaudy"

434. "Ricinine"

435. "Ribaudequin"

436. "Ribbonwood"

437. "Ribbonman"

438. "Ricinoleate"

439. "Ribaldry"

440. "Ricture"

441. "Rickstand"

442. "Ricinus"

443. "Riddance"

444. "Ribaud"

445. "Riban"

446. "Riband"

447. "Richesse"

448. "Ribible"

449. "Ribes"

450. "Ribaudry"

Positive R Words For Kids

When I think of positive “R” words for kids I automatically think of action words as children typically have a lot of energy and naturally love to be active!

In line with this is the word “run”. It’s a simple action and one that kids do automatically. Be sure to give your kids the chance to get outside where they can run and play. Take them to a nearby park, or just go for a walk in your neighborhood.

If the weather isn’t good, put on some music and let your kids run around and move to the music!

Some other fantastic words for kids are resilient, responsible, and respectful. These are words that you can talk to your kids about on a pretty regular basis as they relate to life lessons.

As kids grow up and experience failure, make sure you encourage them to keep taking risks, and celebrate the learning that happens when your child gets something wrong.

It’s okay to get it wrong, it’s how we all learn.

More Words For Kids Starting With R

451. "Related"

452. "Refusal"

453. "Release"

454. "Ranking"

455. "Royalty"

456. "Reliant"

457. "Rampant"

458. "Recruit"

459. "Rethink"

460. "Revenue"

461. "Running"

462. "Rocking"

463. "Require"

464. "Regimen"

465. "Reflect"

466. "Rounded"

467. "Retreat"

468. "Rubbing"

469. "Rainbow"

470. "Remains"

471. "Redress"

472. "Removed"

473. "Roofing"

474. "Respond"

475. "Request"

476. "Rapport"

477. "Resting"

478. "Robbery"

479. "Referee"

480. "Reserve"

481. "Readily"

482. "Reunion"

483. "Realize"

484. "Rivalry"

485. "Reeling"

486. "Routine"

487. "Reactor"

488. "Reverse"

489. "Rewrite"

490. "Redwood"

491. "Refugee"

492. "Ripping"

493. "Restart"

494. "Relieve"

495. "Roadway"

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496. "Renewal"

497. "Revenge"

498. "Replica"

499. "Residue"

500. "Receipt"

501. "Rollout"

502. "Remorse"

503. "Runaway"

504. "Rubbish"

505. "Reprint"

506. "Restate"

507. "Removal"

508. "Revolve"

509. "Railway"

510. "Reshape"

511. "Rupture"

512. "Recital"

513. "Roaster"

514. "Regency"

515. "Rebound"

516. "Rebirth"

517. "Refrain"

518. "Razzle-dazzle"

519. "Ramshackle"

520. "Redemption"

521. "Ricochet "

522. "Rebuttal"

523. "Ransack"

524. "Ruckus"

525. "Rapscallion"

526. "Rigamarole"

527. "Rugrat"

528. "Ragtag"

529. "Reprimand"

530. "Repercussion"

531. "Rendezvous"

532. "Riff-raff"

533. "Renaissance"

534. "Rising"

535. "Resulting"

536. "Record-breaking"

537. "Recognition

538. "Replete"

Encouraging Words That Start With The Letter R

While there are many “R” words that fit into the category of encouraging, I find that the word “regenerate” can really inspire me to evaluate where I’m at and start developing some ideas for improvement.

That improvement might come in the form of self-development, or it might be in relation to tasks that I need to accomplish to get myself further down the road to achieving my goals.

Maybe it’s completely reassessing my goals. I might need to regenerate ideas around what I want out of life. I can relate to that big-time.


When I was a young adult I imagined my future being married and having a big family. I really wanted to be a stay-at-home mother to do the incredibly important job of rearing children.

When my marriage ended, I was devastated. My dream was destroyed. I had to look at my situation and regenerate ideas about my future.

I have never remarried, and I’m fine with that now, but it took me a while to get to that point. Regenerating ideas about what my life could be like, and can be like is vital to my living a happy and fulfilling life.

I invite you to do the same.

539. "Resilience"

540. "Reconnect"

541. "Rekindle"

542. "Regenerate"

543. "Replenish"

544. "Recharge"

545. "Re-energized"

546. "Rejoinder"

547. "Reconciliatory"

548. "Reaffirm"

549. "Reinvigorate"

550. "Reverie"

551. "Re-emerge"

552. "Radiate"

553. "Relish"

554. "Remedy"

555. "Reformation"

556. "Reimagine"

557. "Relief"

558. "Renovate"

559. "Reviving"

560. "Reenergize"

561. "Revamp"

562. "Reconsider"

563. "Re-establish"

564. "Recluse"

565. "Reinvigorating"

566. "Reinforce"

567. "Renewing"

568. "Refocus"

569. "Reasoning"

570. "Radiantly"

571. "Reconnective"

572. "Re-create"

573. "Rapture"

574. "Renewalist"

575. "Re-enter"

576. "Re-imagine"

577. "Relaxation"

578. "Radar"

579. "Rejection"

580. "Reuse"

581. "Reliability"

582. "Religion"

583. "Relationship"

584. "Refraining"

585. "Repay"

586. "Reincarnation"

587. "Ripen"

588. "Reconciliationist"

589. "Ramps"

590. "Rerun"

591. "Roach"

592. "Reasonableness"

593. "Rigor"

594. "Rescued

595. "Replenished"

596. "Rebuilding"

597. "Releasing:

598. "Resurrect"

599. "Reinterpret"

600. "Reckoning"

601. "Reproduction"

602. "Research"

603. "Repentance"

604. "Resistance"

605. "Repulsion"

606. "Ramification"

607. "Rancor"

608. "Raconteur"

609. "Rationalization"

610. "Rarefied"

611. "Rebuke"

612. "Ravenous"

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613. "Romantic Nature"

614. "Richen"

615. "Reskill"

616. "Red Ruby"

617. "Rededicated"

618. "Rousingly"

619. "Ritzily"

620. "Rivet"

621. "Romanticist"

622. "Rehydration"

Frequently Asked Questions

What personality traits start with R?

Reliable, Responsible, Resourceful, Resilient, Respectful, Rational are the traits that represent a range of characteristics, from being dependable and responsible to exhibiting resilience, openness, and a sense of adventure. Keep in mind that personality traits can vary from person to person, and individuals may exhibit a combination of various traits.

What is a word for R?

A word that starts with the letter R is "resilience." Resilience refers to the ability to bounce back or recover quickly from difficult or challenging situations. It encompasses qualities such as strength, adaptability, and perseverance in the face of adversity.

What is the longest word in the dictionary R?

The longest word in the English dictionary that starts with the letter R is "reciprocatingly." It has 14 letters and is an adverb that describes actions or behaviors that are done in a reciprocal or mutually exchanged manner.
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