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1118 Negative Words That Begin With The Letter “F”

Negative words that start with f

The letter F gives plenty of choices when we’re looking for negative words. I won’t be touching on THE F word, but there are lots that are available, 1118 to be exact.

When you have the right word at the ready, you can explain your ideas and concepts, your thoughts and your opinions with clarity.

You might be preparing a presentation or writing a paper, or you might just want to increase your vocabulary, but whatever the reason, it’s always time well spent to learn new words.

The words in this article are conveniently categorized for you to help you find exactly what you are looking for.

From adjectives to describe people and things to unusual and obscure words, to niche words for Halloween, and even words that reflect negative feelings and emotions, it’s all here.

So, come on this journey with me as I explore words beginning with the letter F that have a negative meaning.

Coloring Book Bannar

Negative Words Starting With F To Describe People And Things

This list has numerous words that you can use to describe both people and things, but there is one that stands out to me, foolish.

We have all felt foolish at one time or another, and it isn’t a good feeling.


You might have asked what you thought was a silly question, you maybe jumped to the wrong conclusion and embarrassed yourself, or maybe you had a little too much to drink and said or did something you wished afterward you hadn’t.

These moments just mean that we’re human. We all do stuff during our life that makes us feel foolish. What is important is not to dwell on it, but learn from it, and move on.

The word foolish can also apply to things. It might be a gadget that is silly and a waste of money, or maybe it’s a rule you have to abide by that you think is nonsense.

I know when I was a teenager I thought my parents’ rule around a curfew was ridiculous. Most of us have been there, right?

Read on for more words that you can use to describe people as well as things.

Negative Words That Start With F To Describe A Person Or Thing

1. "Foolish"

2. "Faint"

3. "Facetious"

4. "Fussy"

5. "Festering"

6. "Finicky"

7. "Feverish"

8. "Fawning"

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9. "Fetid"

10. "Fake"

11. "False"

12. "Fickle"

13. "Fallacious"

14. "Fierce"

15. "Fire-breathing"

16. "Filthy"

17. "Fanatic"

18. "Fissiparous"

19. "Fascist"

20. "Far-fetched"

21. "Fatalistic"

22. "Flaccid"

23. "Fat"

24. "Fell"

25. "Flaming"

26. "Fearmongering"

27. "Flaky"

28. "Feral"

29. "Flagrant"

30. "Ferocious"

31. "Faulty"

32. "Flippant"

33. "Feigning"

34. "Floppy"

35. "Fearful"

36. "Foolhardy"

37. "Fervent"

38. "Feeble"

39. "Foggy"

40. "Fleeting"

41. "Fly-by-night"

42. "Floundering"

43. "Flawed"

44. "Flustered"

45. "Flimsy"

46. "Funky"

47. "Forbidding"

48. "Full of hatred"

49. "Formidable"

50. "Frightened"

51. "Frigid"

52. "Forgetful"

53. "Freakish"

54. "Forceful"

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55. "Forlorn"

56. "Frazzled"

57. "Foreboding"

58. "Fragmentary"

59. "Frightful"

60. "Fragile"

61. "Friable"

62. "Forsaken"

63. "Fraudulent"

64. "Fugitive"

65. "Fractious"

66. "Frustrated"

67. "Frantic"

68. "Foul"

69. "Frowzy"

70. "Frenetic"

71. "Foully"

72. "Frustrating"

73. "Freezing"

74. "Frosty"

75. "Fretful"

76. "Fractiously"

77. "Frugal"

78. "Formidably"

79. "Frivolous"

80. "Fuzzy"

81. "Fragmentarily"

82. "Furious"

83. "Futile"

84. "Fragilely"

85. "Frigidly"

86. "Frustratedly"

87. "Forcefully"

88. "Frugally"

89. "Foolishly"

90. "Flippantly"

91. "Foresakenly"

92. "Frostily"

93. "Feeble-minded"

94. "Frenetically"

95. "Frowzily"

96. "Fuzzily"

97. "Flimsily"

98. "Futilely"

99. "Fraudulently"

100. "Flaccidly"

101. "Frightfully"

Negative Adverbs That Begin With F

Adverbs, like adjectives, give us information that helps us to better understand something. While it’s not always the case, you can usually tell an adverb by the “ly” at the end of the word.

Adverbs give more information about adjectives (totally awesome) verbs (ran slowly) and other adverbs (really quickly).

When we consider possibilities for negative F adverbs one in particular grabs my attention, fetidly.

A hint about its meaning is that it has something to do with smell. We could say that the fetidly strong smell of the garbage was making me sick. You have likely guessed that it means that something smells super bad!

Another negative F adverb that I like is freakishly. This word is about abnormality, but it’s more than that.

Freakishly is abnormal with a grotesque aspect. Gollum, in Lord of The Rings, speaks freakishly.

Freakishly can also have an unpredictable note to it. The dog was freakishly good at catching a ball for its age.

Interested in more negative F adverbs? Read our list below.

Adverbs Starting With Letter F

102. "Facetiously"

103. "Feet-first"

104. "Faddily"

105. "Featherly"

106. "Festively"

107. "Facingly"

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108. "Face-first"

109. "Femininely"

110. "Fairily"

111. "Feebly"

112. "Fervidly"

113. "Faintheartedly"

114. "Feudally"

115. "Fearlessly"

116. "Faithlessly"

117. "Ferociously"

118. "Favourably"

119. "Fifthly"

120. "Ficklely"

121. "Faultily"

122. "Finely"

123. "First"

124. "Fadedly"

125. "Fiendishly"

126. "Facially"

127. "Finitely"

128. "Filthily"

129. "Facilely"

130. "Fatalistically"

131. "Fishily"

132. "Factually"

133. "Figuratively"

134. "Fatly"

135. "Fabulously"

136. "Fittingly"

137. "Fair"

138. "Fastest"

139. "Flabbergastedly"

140. "Faddishly"

141. "Famishedly"

142. "Flatteredly"

143. "Faintly"

144. "Flat"

145. "Fashionably"

146. "Facto"

147. "Flavourlessly"

148. "Falsely"

149. "Flaringly"

150 ."Fleetingly"

151. "Fairly"

152. "Far"

153. "Flavoressly"

154. "Fallaciously"

155. "Flakily"

156. "Fancifully"

157. "Foamingly"

158. "Fluidly"

159. "Flittingly"

160. "Forcedly"

161. "Fluctuatingly"

162. "Flickeringly"

163. "Forebearingly"

164. "Fondly"

165. "Flushingly"

166. "Foothot"

167. "Floridly"

168. "Foggily"

169. "Flourishingly"

170. "Forthcomingly"

171. "Formal"

172. "Foremostly"

173. "Forte"

174. "Forgivably"

175. "Foxily"

176. "Foreignly"

177. "Forzando"

178. "Forrader"

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179. "Foresightedly"

180. "Frankly"

181. "Fortuitously"

182. "Frequently"

183. "Forthwith"

184. "Forward-and-back"

185. "Fruitlessly"

186. "Fesswise"

187. "Furtively"

188. "Falteringly"

189. "Favorably"

190. "Fearsomely"

191. "Fancily"

192. "Fastidiously"

193. "Fawningly"

194. "Farcically"

195. "Feelingly"

196. "Fatally"

197. "Funnily"

198. "Ferally"

199. "Faithfully"

200. "Fecklessly"

201. "Fast"

202. "Furrily"

203. "Fattily"

204. "Famously"

205. "Futurely"

206. "Feignedly"

207. "Fallibly"

208. "Fertilely"

209. "Frontingly"

210. "Fully"

211. "Frighfully"

212. "Fromward"

213. "Fumingly"

214. "Fugitively"

215. "Fretfully"

216. "Frozenly"

217. "Frivolously"

218. "Fightingly"

219. "Flashily"

220. "Feverishly"

221. "Fitfully"

222. "Flamboyantly"

223. "Fiercely"

224. "Flawlessly"

225. "Firm"

226. "Fetchingly"

227. "Fixatedly"

228. "Firstly"

229. "Flabbily"

230. "Fickly"

231. "Flatteringly"

232. "Fleetly"

233. "Filchingly"

234. "Flatlong"

235. "Flavorfully"

236. "Finally"

237. "Flightily"

238. "Fonly"

239. "Flouncily"

240. "Focally"

241. "Finickily"

242. "Foreknowingly"

243. "Floatingly"

244. "Foiningly"

245. "Flirtatiously"

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246. "Flusteredly"

247. "Fluently"

248. "Forth"

249. "Forever"

250. "Floutingly"

251. "Flummoxedly"

252. "Forebodingly"

253. "Fortunately"

254. "Foppishly"

255. "Forthy"

256. "Formally"

257. "Forrard"

258. "Forgivingly"

259. "Forthrightly"

260. "Formlessly"

261. "Frightenedly"

262. "Frantically"

263. "Fromwards"

264. "Forwardly"

265. "Frenziedly"

266. "Fragrantly"

267. "Freely"

268. "Frolicly"

269. "Frazzledly"

270. "Frustrately"

271. "Fractionally"

272. "Friday"

273. "Further"

274. "Frumpily"

275. "Frontward"

276. "Funny"

277. "Frothily"

278. "Fussily"

279. "Fulsomely"

280. "Fulgently"

281. "Fatuously"

282. "Functionally"

283. "Fascinatedly"

284. "Federally"

285. "Familiarly"

286. "Fastly"

287. "Fantastically"

288. "Feasibly"

289. "Fanatically"

290. "Fatefully"

291. "Faster"

292. "Fiducially"

293. "Fine"

294. "Favoredly"

295. "Feverously"

296. "Fearfully"

297. "Filially"

298. "Fervently"

299. "Feetfirst"

300. "Finickingly"

301. "Fierily"

302. "Felicitously"

303. "Festally"

304. "Figurately"

305. "Ferforth"

306. "Fetidly"

307. "Flamingly"

308. "Flexibly"

309. "Fixedly"

310. "Flounderingly"

311. "Fiscally"

312. "Fleeringly"

313. "Flatly"

314. "Fitly"

315. "Florally"

316. "Flauntingly"

317. "Flirtingly"

318. "Firmly"

319. "Flagrantly"

320. "Flavourfully"

321. "Focusedly"

322. "Flashingly"

323. "Flutteringly"

324. "Fumblingly"

325. "Frowningly"

326. "Fugally"

327. "Forrad"

328. "Fluffily"

329. "Full"

330. "Flushedly"

331. "Flowingly"

332. "Foreseeingly"

333. "Forlornly"

334. "Followingly"

335. "Formerly"

336. "Foreby"

337. "Frumpishly"

338. "Fruitfully"

339. "Funereally"

340. "Forsooth"

341. "Foremost"

342. "Forbiddingly"

343. "Forgetfully"

344. "Forcibly"

345. "Furiously"

346. "Fortnightly"

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347. "Fourthly"

348. "Friendlily"

349. "Furthermore"

350. "Forthward"

351. "Frontwards"

352. "Forwards"

353. "Forthby"

354. "Freezingly"

355. "Forward"

356. "Freakishly"

357. "Frolicsomely"

358. "Fraternally"

359. "Friskily"

360. "Frailly"

361. "Frighteningly"

362. "Frontally"

363. "Freshly"

364. "Free"

Unusual Words Beginning With The Letter F

Looking at unusual words is fun! You come across some really interesting words! Negative F unusual words are no exception.

Have you ever heard of the word, flibbertigibbet? It’s quite a challenge to spell! You would apply this word to a person.

If you know someone who talks a lot, like I mean A LOT, and they are a bit flighty and frivolous, then you could say they are a flibbertigibbet.

For anyone who has seen The Sound of Music starring Julie Andrews, you may recall hearing this word in a song sung by nuns from the Abbey. They are actually referring to Julie Andrews’ character, Maria.

Don’t worry, though, Maria finds her path and pursues a fulfilling life, all the while singing beautifully!

Unusual Words Starting With F

365. "Fabricate"

366. "Fastidious"

367. "Facile"

368. "Famine"

369. "Filial"

370. "Fatuous"

371. "Farcical"

372. "Feasible"

373. "Facet"

374. "Fatal"

375. "Filibuster"

376. "Figurative"

377. "Fallow"

378. "Familial"

379. "Finesse"

380. "Fauna"

381. "Faction"

382. "Fluke"

383. "Falter"

384. "Fissure"

385. "Fealty"

386. "Facsimile"

387. "Firmament"

388. "Finite"

389. "Fallible"

390. "Fidelity"

391. "Fluster"

392. "Fallacy"

393. "Firebrand"

394. "Flourish"

395. "Feign"

396. "Flora"

397. "Feckless"

398. "Flounder"

399. "Flail"

400. "Felicity"

401. "Florid"

402. "Fiasco"

Coloring Book Bannar

403. "Flaunt"

404. "Flabbergasted"

405. "Forsake"

406. "Foray"

407. "Fodder"

408. "Foresee"

409. "Foil"

410. "Forage"

411. "Forthcoming"

412. "Flux"

413. "Forensic"

414. "Fortress"

415. "Foment"

416. "Foible"

417. "Fortified"

418. "Forecast"

419. "Foliage"

420. "Forum"

421. "Fortitude"

422. "Fortune"

423. "Forfeit"

424. "Foresight"

425. "Fortunate"

426. "Forge"

427. "Foster"

428. "Foreshadow"

429. "Fortuitous"

430. "Forestall"

431. "Fraught"

432. "Fracas"

433. "Founding"

434. "Frail"

435. "Fracture"

436. "Frenzy"

437. "Fulminate"

438. "Fresco"

439. "Fragrant"

440. "Fulsome"

441. "Founder"

442. "Frolic"

443. "Foyer"

444. "Fraud"

445. "Frontier"

446. "Furtive"

447. "Fey"

448. "Fane Temple"

449. "Firth"

450. "Fain Gladly"

451. "Fetter"

452. "Flagon"

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453. "Figured"

454. "Fastness"

455. "Fender"

456. "Faggot"

457. "Flammifer"

458. "Field"

459. "Fare"

460. "Fosse"

461. "Flotsam"

462. "Fawn"

463. "Flank"

464. "Forespeak"

465. "Flet"

466. "Flittermice"

467. "Forebode"

468. "Fold"

469. "Foreswear"

470. "Forbear"

471. "Flummoxed"

472. "Freshet"

473. "Forgo"

474. "Footpad"

475. "Furlong"

476. "Fortnight"

Obscure Words That Start With F

Obscure words are words we don’t hear very often or whose meaning isn’t clear. These words can often add a lot to our speech, and are worth taking a look at.

Flimflam is a great example of an obscure negative F word. It means nonsense talk. Someone who speaks insincerely could be said to be speaking flimflam.

Have you ever known someone like that? This is talk from a person who is rarely serious, and jokes all the time. They say silly, ridiculous things.

Sometimes the person who talks flimflam can be funny and amusing, but that usually wears off after a while.

It’s pretty hard to get to know a person if this is how they talk all the time. If you’re in a relationship with this kind of a person, ask them to cut the flimflam, and let their real character come through.

If this is who they truly are, you’ll have to decide if you’re good with listening to flimflam all the time.

Obscure Words Starting With Letter F

477. "Famigerate"

478. "Falciform"

479. "Farrier"

480. "Farouche"

481. "Falconet"

482. "Farris"

483. "Falderal"

484. "Familic"

485. "Farraginous"

486. "Falconine"

487. "Familism"

488. "Farrow"

489. "Fallibilism"

490. "Fasces"

491. "Farinaceous"

492. "Farrago"

493. "Falsidical"

494. "Farinose"

495. "Farruca"

496. "Faldstool"

497. "Fastigiate"

498. "Famicide"

499. "Fascicle"

500. "Fardel"

501. "Falsiloquence"

502. "Fastigium"

503. "Famulus"

504. "Fascine"

505. "Fandangle"

506. "Fastuous"

507. "Familistery"

508. "Fardage"

509. "Fasti"

510. "Fanal"

511. "Fascia"

512. "Fatalism"

513. "Fane"

514. "Farcinate"

515. "Fatiloquent"

516. "Fandango"

517. "Fauld"

518. "Farandole"

519. "Farctate"

520. "Fanfaronade"

521. "Fathometer"

522. "Fanfaron"

523. "Fatidical"

524. "Fantasticate"

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525. "Feague"

526. "Faviform"

527. "Fanion"

528. "Favela"

529. "Farandine"

530. "Fantigue"

531. "Featous"

532. "Fantassin"

533. "Favonian"

534. "Febricant"

535. "Farad"

536. "Feak"

537. "Faveolate"

538. "Fantod"

539. "Fauteuil"

540. "Femerall"

541. "Febrifuge"

542. "Feliform"

543. "Feculent"

544. "Felsenmeer"

545. "Fenestral"

546. "Febricity"

547. "Felicificative"

548. "Felloe"

549. "Fenestella"

550. "Fecalith"

551. "Felicide"

552. "Fermi"

553. "Feria"

554. "Ferruginous"

555. "Femicide"

556. "Ferronière"

557. "Feracious"

558. "Ferox"

559. "Ferula"

560. "Ferity"

561. "Fennec"

562. "Ferriferous"

563. "Ferrule"

564. "Ferial"

565. "Feretory"

566. "Fie"

567. "Fetial"

568. "Finalism"

569. "Fibrilliform"

570. "Fingent"

571. "Festinate"

572. "Fiduciary"

573. "Fibula"

574. "Figurehead"

575. "Fierasfer"

576. "Fescennine"

577. "Fidicinal"

578. "Fess"

579. "Figuration"

580. "Fictionalism"

581. "Figurant"

582 "Ferulaceous"

583. "Ficiform"

584. "Finial"

585. "Fideism"

586. "Figuline"

587. "Ferule"

588. "Fictile"

589. "Finical"

590. "Festilogy"

591. "Fiberscope"

592. "Filemot"

593. "Feuilleton"

594. "Fideicide"

595. "Fimbriate"

596. "Fibriform"

597. "Fimetic"

598. "Fiacre"

599. "Fimicolous"

600. "Fetlock"

601. "Fictor"

602. "Filature"

603. "Fiddley"

604. "Feticide"

605. "Fiddle-Faddle"

606. "Fid"

607. "Filatory"

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608. "Fettling"

609. "Filaceous"

610. "Fiddlededee"

611. "Fistula"

612. "Fixity"

613. "Fipple"

614. "Fissility"

615. "Flabellate"

616. "Finitism"

617. "Fissilingual"

618. "Fitchew"

619. "Firkin"

620. "Flabelliform"

621. "Fissiped"

622. "Fissicostate"

623. "Flacon"

624. "Fitch"

625. "Flabellation"

626. "Fistuliform"

627. "Flammiferous"

628. "Flammule"

629. "Flagelliferous"

630. "Flammeous"

631. "Flânerie"

632. "Flagellomania"

633. "Flammulation"

634. "Flancard"

635. "Flagellantism"

636. "Flam"

637. "Flammulated"

638. "Flagelliform"

639. "Flambeau"

640. "Flapdoodle"

641. "Flagstaff"

642. "Flageolet"

643. "Flannel"

644. "Flavescent"

645. "Flagitious"

646. "Flaughter"

647. "Flagitate"

648. "Floriferous"

649. "Flamen"

650. "Flaught"

651. "Floricomous"

652. "Floriscope"

653. "Flautino"

654. "Floriform"

655. "Florimania"

656. "Fleam"

657. "Flews"

658. "Florilegium"

659. "Floccose"

660. "Fleer"

661. "Fleshling"

662. "Floristry"

663. "Flexiloquent"

664. "Floruit"

665. "Floccinaucinihilipilification"

666. "Flèche"

667. "Floromancy"

668. "Flocculate"

669. "Fleuret"

670. "Florisugent"

671. "Flench"

672. "Foison"

673. "Folkloristics"

674. "Foetiferous"

675. "Foliferous"

676. "Foinery"

677. "Foliform"

678. "Foliate"

679. "Fogram"

680. "Foliophagous"

681. "Foin"

682. "Foliaceous"

683. "Floricide"

684. "Flumen"

685. "Fluoroscope"

686. "Flivver"

687. "Flowmeter"

688. "Fluorimeter"

689. "Floatant"

690. "Fluminous"

691. "Fluvialist"

692. "Forby"

693. "Fontinal"

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694. "Foraminated"

695. "Forcipiform"

696. "Footle"

697. "Foraminate"

698. "Fooliaminy"

699. "Forcipate"

700. "Footlambert"

701. "Foraneous"

702. "Foolocracy"

703. "Fore"

704. "Foraminiferous"

705. "Footling"

706. "Floccilation"

707. "Foreright"

708. "Forfaiting"

709. "Forecome"

710. "Foremast"

711. "Forfend"

712. "Forebitt"

713. "Foreshots"

714. "Forecastle"

715. "Forfex"

716. "Forel"

717. "Forestay"

718. "Forecabin"

719. "Foresail"

720. "Forefoot"

721. "Flounce"

722. "Flummery"

723. "Flibbertigibbet"

724. "Fluviology"

725. "Fluorography"

726. "Flexion"

727. "Flummadiddle"

728. "Fluxional"

729. "Flinty"

730. "Fodient"

731. "Flexuose"

732. "Flype"

733. "Foeticide"

734. "Flimflam"

735. "Focimeter"

736. "Foehn"

737. "Flysch"

738. "Forficate"

Funny Words That Start With F

Right on the heels of looking at the obscure F word, flimflam, we take a look at a funny F word that means nonsense and foolish words, flapdoodle.

I’m sure you’d raise some eyebrows if you told someone to, “Stop with the flapdoodle!”

You might fuzzle people by using the word, flapdoodle. Fuzzle is another funny F word which means confuse, or befuddle.

Yet another humorous F word is fluckadrift. This is a terrific way to say that you are in a big hurry.

Let me give you an example. My son had a ticket to fly to Germany. He and I were sitting having a leisurely lunch with lots of time before we had to leave for the airport. All of a sudden, my son discovered that he had read the time of his flight incorrectly.

We ran around like crazy - fluckadrift - to get into the car and made an insane effort to get to the airport on time. Sadly, we didn't make it, and he ended up having to buy another ticket.

Funny Words Starting With F

739. "Fantods"

740. "Flabbergast"

741. "Flay"

742. "Fantabulous"

743. "Fanciful"

744. "Fiddlesticks"

745. "Fizgig"

746. "Fisticuffs"

747. "Feisty"

748. "Flummox"

749. "Flimflammery"

750. "Flummerdoodle"

751. "Foofaraw"

752. "Frabjous"

753. "Fugacious"

754. "Forefend"

755. "Fuggle"

756. "Fluxion"

757. "Forker"

758. "Fudgicle"

759. "Fribble"

760. "Fuddy-duddy"

761. "Froogle"

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762. "Furgle"

763. "Froufrou"

764. "Frolicsome"

765. "Furphy"

766. "Funambulist"

767. "Furbelow"

768. "Faded"

769. "Fagalicios"

770. "Fabadabadosy"

771. "Fag master"

772. "Fabulousology"

773. "Faggoty-Anne"

774. "Faludicator"

775. "Fa shizzle - Fur rizzle"

776. "Famn Dly"

777. "Fabilush"

778. "Faggie Milts"

779. "Fabalabaloscious"

780. "Fadge-cheese"

781. "Fanackapanning Doylums"

782. "Fagtardite"

783. "Fail cake"

784. "Fanglemcmangledandrum"

785. "Fagtacular"

786. "Famit"

787. "Fahtoosh"

788. "Fartracious"

789. "Fantiddlyastic"

790. "Fausty"

791. "Feebert"

792. "Fantallitistic"

793. "Fanwat"

794. "Feck"

795. "Fantastamoosie"

796. "Fernert Beart"

797. "Fantasmagorical"

798. "Fersurely"

799. "Fartknocker"

800. "Feijing"

801. "Figgit"

802. "Feeflenokka"

803. "Ferret Dave"

804. "Ferndip"

805. "Feedish"

806. "Finter"

807. "Finnah"

808. "Felicianess"

809. "Ferret"

810. "Figgadilme"

811. "Ferrell"

812. "Flabble"

813. "Flakey"

814. "Fester"

815. "Fetcher"

816. "Flawless Victory"

817. "Flargantuous"

818. "Fillarious"

819. "Flamdozeld"

820. "Flibertyjibbit"

821. "Flabadooby"

822. "Flip Mole"

823. "Fittershitters"

824. "Fleuter"

825. "Fladingo Bag"

826. "Flausious"

827. "Fizzy feet"

828. "Flockynockyhilifilification"

829. "Flobberknocker"

830. "Floggerhythm"

831. "Flikerbox changer"

832. "Fliptarded"

833. "Flubnugget"

834. "Flurrrp"

835. "Foopa"

836. "Foescraptic"

837. "Floidage"

838. "Freakables"

839. "Foodgasm"

840. "Flowage"

841. "Frantastic"

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842. "Fluffy"

843. "Foakleys"

844. "Flogging On"

845. "Frin-Fron"

846. "Fooger Hole"

847. "Friderday"

848. "Frigmarole"

849. "Funfandandytastic"

850. "Frisky"

851. "Freaky"

852. "Flophouse"

853. "Futz"

854. "Footloose"

855. "Frangipani"

856. "Fugly"

857. "Fularious"

858. "Funkalicious"

859. "Frompambobulator"

860. "Fugly Troll"

861. "Funwilzy"

862. "Fwafle"

863. "Funkymonkey"

864. "Finagle"

865. "Fecund"

866. "Fiend"

867. "Fell-Lurking"

868. "Fakement"

869. "Fillyloo"

870. "Fedigragous"

871. "Famelicose"

872. "Fang-Faker"

873. "Facetiae"

874. "Family-Disturbance"

875. "Flitter-Mouse"

876. "Famgrasp"

877. "Floccipend"

878. "Firkytoodle"

879. "Flaybottomist"

880. "Flambuginous"

881. "Fire-Scordel"

882. "Firtle"

883. "Flaunt-Tant"

884. "Flamfoo"

885. "Flummaty-Gumption"

886. "Flapdoodler"

887. "Follow-Me-Lads"

888. "Flug-Fisted"

889. "Futrat"

890. "Forficulate"

891. "Fluckadrift"

892. "Fordrunken"

893. "Flunter-Drawer"

894. "Fetching"

895. "Folliful"

896. "Fox-Fire"

897. "Fuzzle"

898. "Foister"

899. "Fore-Witter"

900. "Fortravailed"

901. "Flurry-Go-Nimble"

902. "Fantastical"

Halloween Words Beginning With The Letter F

Most children will say that, after Christmas, Halloween is their favorite holiday. Getting dressed up, getting mildly scared, and collecting candy is a super fun ritual! A lot of adults love it, too!

My husband was always as excited about Halloween as our children were. He loved to put on a costume and take the kids door to door.

He had two favorite costumes. One was Dracula and the other was Frankenstein. It would take him more than a couple of hours to get ready!

Along with Frankenstein some other Halloween words that start with F are fiend, fear, and fangs.

Add a foggy night and a full moon and you have the perfect setting for a frightful night!

We lived in the country, and after we had gone to some friends’ places around us, we would take the kids into town, and walk as many blocks as they wanted to.

It is a magical night with lighted Jack ‘O Lanterns, eerie sounds and decorations from the houses of those people who really did it up, and little ghouls and goblins everywhere!

Halloween Words That Start With F

903. "Frankenstein"

904. "Foulness"

905. "Ferocity"

906. "Flagrancy"

907. "Flinching"

908. "Flagrantness"

909. "Frightful Spectacle"

910. "Fears"

911. "Flap"

912. "Flagrance"

913. "Fretfulness"

914. "Freakishness"

915. "Frights"

916. "Frost"

917. "Flare Up"

918. "Fear"

919. "Fearsomeness"

920. "Faintheartedness"

921. "Frightfulness"

922. "Fear And Trembling"

923. "Fantasy"

924. "Fury"

925. "Funk"

926. "Fiendishness"

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927. "Fog"

928. "Full Moon"

929. "Fright"

930. "Fairy"

931. "Frightening"

932. "Firefighter"

933. "Freddy"

934. "Fangs"

935. "Flashlight"

936. "Flesh-eating"

937. "Frozen-With-Fear"

938. "Freak"

939. "Fortune-Teller"

940. "Feasting"

941. "Fog-Machine"

Negative Feelings And Emotions That Start With F

We all feel down from time to time. Sometimes being able to put a word to our feelings can help us talk about them and ultimately shed light on why we are feeling that way.

Once we identify why we are feeling down, frustrated, or angry we can figure out how to move on from those negative emotions.

Fear is one of the worst emotions we can have. Its effects can cripple us from doing things or saying things we would like to or we know we should.

Someone once told me that a decision should never be made based on fear. I have thought of that numerous times since.

I have also shared that bit of wisdom with my children, so that they can make decisions about their careers, their relationships, and life in general without being halted by fear.

Are you putting off taking a trip, asking someone out on a date, or throwing your hat in the ring for a new job at work because you are afraid to? If that’s the case, conquer your fears and go for it!

Negative Feeling & Emotions Starting With Letter F

942. "Fago"

943. "Frustration"

944. "Feierabend"

945. "Forelsket"

946. "Fernweh"

947. "Fiero"

948. "Fulfilled"

949. "Forgiving"

950. "Forced"

951. "Fatigued"

952. "Focused"

953. "Failure"

954. "Flattered"

955. "Forgotten"

956. "Fuming"

957. "Fascinated"

Negative F Words To Build Your Vocabulary

If you would like to learn more negative words beginning with the letter F, read the list below. You’ll be on your way to increasing your vocabulary, and having the words you want, when you want them.

One of the words in the list is furor. This word resembles a more common word, furious, or really angry.


Furor is anger but it refers to a group’s anger, like a public outcry against a bill to increase taxes.

During the 1960’s, anger against the American government’s continued involvement in the Vietnam War led to furor represented by demonstrations of hundreds or thousands of people.

Negative Words Vocabulary Starting With F

958. "Fabricated"

959. "Fakery"

960. "Fabrication"

961. "Factious"

962. "Faithless"

963. "Factionalism"

964. "Forgery"

965. "Fatigue"

966. "Forbearance"

967. "Fictitious"

968. "Forget"

969. "Forbidden"

970. "Fool"

971. "Forsworn"

972. "Fruitless"

973. "Flabby"

974. "Flippancy"

975. "Fiery"

976. "Fanatical"

977. "Flatulent"

978. "Faltering"

979. "Fizzle"

980. "Flighty"

981. "Flaw"

982. "Fishy"

983. "Frumpy"

984. "Fiendish"

985. "Fusty"

986. "Fearsome"

987. "Foul-mouthed"

988. "Felonious"

989. "Fateful"

990. "Frailty"

991. "Fracas-mongering"

992. "Furor"

993. "Fallen"

994. "Fumbling"

995. "Fidget"

996. "Faltered"

997. "Fumble"

998. "Frenzied"

999. "Farce"

1000. "Ferment"

1001. "Failing"

1002. "Futility"

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1003. "Friction"

1004. "Frustrate"

1005. "Feint"

1006. "Feebleminded"

1007. "Furtiveness"

1008. "Feebleness"

1009. "Flavorless"

1010. "Falsified"

1011. "Failed"

1012. "Famished"

1013. "Fidgeting"

1014. "Feared"

1015. "Feigned"

1016. "Fidgety"

1017. "Filmy"

1018. "Filtered"

1019. "Forgettable"

1020. "Formulaic"

1021. "Frilly"

1022. "Frayed"

1023. "Frozen"

1024. "Fried"

1025. "Fragmented"

1026. "Frowning"

1027. "Funipendulous"

1028. "Fungous"

1029. "Funambulism"

1030. "Fundus"

1031. "Furacious"

1032. "Fungiform"

1033. "Fumiduct"

1034. "Furcate"

1035. "Funebral"

1036. "Funicular"

1037. "Fumosity"

1038. "Fungible"

1039. "Furunculoid"

1040. "Fundiform"

1041. "Furuncular"

1042. "Funest"

1043. "Functionalism"

1044. "Fusain"

1045. "Furcular"

1046. "Furnicular"

1047. "Fusiform"

1048. "Furciferous"

1049. "Fusee"

1050. "Furibund"

1051. "Fustian"

1052. "Furfur"

1053. "Fuscous"

1054. "Furuncle"

1055. "Furfuraceous"

1056. "Futurition"

1057. "Fustigate"

1058. "Fusillation"

1059. "Fabulist"

1060. "Factitive"

1061. "Futtock"

1062. "Fabiform"

1063. "Factitious"

1064. "Fustilarian"

1065. "Facia"

1066. "Fabaceous"

1067. "Factive"

1068. "Faburden"

1069. "Facinorous"

1070. "Futurology"

1071. "Face-Cord"

1072. "Falanouc"

1073. "Faience"

1074. "Factualism"

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1075. "Fagottist"

1076. "Fairlead"

1077. "Facundity"

1078. "Factotum"

1079. "Fainéant"

1080. "Facultative"

1081. "Fain"

1082. "Facture"

1083. "Fagin"

1084. "Faille"

1085. "Facula"

1086. "Fadoodle"

1087. "Falcate"

1088. "Falcade"

1089. "Frist"

1090. "Froward"

1091. "Froghopper"

1092. "Frowst"

1093. "Fritiniency"

1094. "Frottage"

1095. "Frondose"

1096. "Frogmarch"

1097. "Frostwork"

1098. "Frondiferous"

1099. "Frontogenesis"

1100. "Frondescence"

1101. "Frontal"

1102. "Fructivorous"

1103. "Fructuation"

1104. "Frugiferous"

1105. "Fructiferous"

1106. "Fructuary"

1107. "Frugivorous"

1108. "Fructuous"

1109. "Fucivorous"

1110. "Fug"

1111. "Frutescent"

1112. "Fub"

1113. "Frumentaceous"

1114. "Fucoid"

1115. "Frumentarious"

1116. "Fruticose"

1117. "Fuero"

1118. "Fuji"

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the biggest F word?

It is important to note that using inappropriate language is discouraged. However, if you are referring to the longest English word that starts with the letter "F," "floccinaucinihilipilification" is often considered one of the longest non-technical words in the English language. It means the action or habit of estimating something as worthless.

Can English words end in F?

Yes, English words can end in the letter "F." While it is less common for words to end in "F" compared to other letters, there are still several English words that do end with "F." Some examples include "grief," "brief," "cliff," "dwarf," "chef," "handkerchief," "proof," "belief," "muff," and "cuff."

What phrases start with an F?

There are some common phrases that start with the letter F. Face the music, Fit as a fiddle, Feather in your cap, Fly by the seat of your pants, and Fall from grace. These are just a few examples of phrases that begin with the letter F.

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